Save the Date: PESI Meeting – Saturday, April 1, 2023

  Partners for Equitable Science Instruction

 has exciting news and opportunities to share! 

 Save the Date

PESI Meeting and Picnic Lunch at Himmel Park

Date:  Saturday, April 1, 2023
Time: 11:30 AM

Arrive a little early for Eegee sandwiches provided by PESI.

Retirees, please bring a side or dessert to share if you can.


PESI  has 2 new co-presidents being nominated; Debbie Black and Esther Witt.
Come meet and help elect these two wonderful leaders and thank our outgoing
PESI Co-presidents, Becky Cavazos and Marleen Lyon, for the amazing work they
have done with PESI over the past few years.


PESI Supporters who attend this meeting will receive information about the Principals’ Conference planned for June 6, 2023, and can apply to be a volunteer at the conference. This is a great opportunity to participate in the conference and come away steeped in the latest science learning and resources that will be presented.    


PESI continues to support the TUSD Science Resource Center (SRC)
by helping clean, organize and refurbish science kits. SRC news and
updates will be shared.  Volunteers are needed and always welcome.

We’d love your help! 

ALL PESI supporters are encouraged to attend this
Special PESI “Meet and Greet”!

 Eegees sandwiches – “Out”door prizes – Yummy Snacks – Giveaways

PESI Newsletter Winter Volume 3 Issue 9

What’s Happening Around PESI

Partners for Equitable Science Instruction (PESI) hopes you have been able to enjoy this beautiful winter weather!  In this issue, you’ll find:
  • PESI News

  • Local District News

  • School Outreach and District Support

  • PESI Supporting Teachers

  • Teacher PD opportunities

  • Teacher Resources and Classroom Contests

  • Science at Home Activities

  • Call for Teacher Spotlight

  • Upcoming Meetings and Events


PESI Winter Newsletter   Volume 3   Issue 9


Please share this newsletter with friends or ask them to visit the PESI website
where they can sign up to receive PESI newsletters directly to their inbox.
Don’t forget to follow PESI on Instagram and Facebook.

Please consider an online donation to PESI

Tis the season for giving! 

As our Thanksgiving holiday weekend comes to an end, Partners for Equitable Science Instruction (PESI) is thankful for all the wonderful people that we have met and science education opportunities that have come our way this year.  Our goal is to continue to support science education and equitable science instruction for Tucson area schools, teachers and students.
As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, PESI relies on your charitable contributions to help us achieve our goals. As you prepare your list of places and organizations you will support with your charitable donations on Giving Tuesday this year, please consider an online donation to PESI.
 Visit to donate and find out more about the Partners for Equitable Science Instruction (PESI) and our mission to help support science education in Tucson area schools!
Thank you!