PULSE Science Summit for K-8 Schools

PULSE Science Summit for K-8 Schools

The goal of the PULSE Summit is to support schools in their endeavor to provide every

student  effective science instruction with integrated disciplinary literacy. District and

school level leadership hold the keys to professional learning and administrative support

necessary to make science study equitable for ALL our students!

Science instruction offers rich learning experiences that are multidimensional and filled

with opportunities for creative exploration, discussions, and collaboration. The 3-

dimensions of science support a comprehensive vision of how all students deserve to

learn. At this conference, opportunities for notebooking, discussion, explanation, and

reflection will demonstrate how ELA standards are practiced and applied in the context

of science.

Recognizing that lack of time is often used to explain why science learning is not given

the priority it deserves, conference facilitators will provide examples & student work

demonstrating how science investigations connect to and support language arts.

This summit, along with two follow up sessions, is designed to support rich science

learning experiences in your schools and to explore strategies for creating time and

space for science by integrating curriculum, especially literacy and math.

Arizona’s 3-Dimensional Science Standards also provide opportunities for learners to

develop confidence and make use of their cultural heritages, assets, and ways of

knowing – their funds of knowledge. 

PESI recognizes that more than a year of online learning, achievement declined, along

with test scores. Now, everyone is concerned with helping those students catch up.

 Research shows that challenging children with accelerated, grade-level work is more

effective in catching them up than remedial strategies focused on learning what they

should have mastered in previous grades. 

Parents care that their children receive a strong science education!


Next Generation Science & Disciplinary Literacy for All Students 

Students come to school to learn about the world around them.  This summit will help you prepare your school to ensure ALL students are receiving effective science instruction.


    Register Today                             



PESI Meeting at Himmel Park – Saturday, April 1, 2023

PESI Meeting and Picnic Lunch

at Himmel Park

Date:  Saturday, April 1, 2023

Time: 11:30 AM

Arrive a little early for Eegee sandwiches provided by PESI.

Retirees, please bring a side or dessert to share if you can.


Partners for Equitable Science Instruction

 has exciting news and opportunities to share! 


PESI has 2 new co-presidents being nominated;
Debbie Black and Esther Witt.
Come meet and help elect these two wonderful leaders and thank our outgoing PESI Co-presidents, Becky Cavazos and Marleen Lyon, for the amazing work they have done with PESI over the past few years.


PESI Supporters who attend this meeting will receive information about the Principals’ Conference planned for June 6, 2023, and can apply to be a volunteer at the conference. This is a great opportunity to participate in the conference and come away steeped in the latest science learning and resources that will be presented.    


PESI continues to support the TUSD Science Resource Center (SRC) by helping clean, organize and refurbish science kits. SRC news and updates will be shared.  Volunteers are needed and always welcome. We’d love your help! 

ALL PESI supporters are encouraged to attend this

Special PESI “Meet and Greet”!

 Eegees sandwiches – “Out”door prizes – Yummy Snacks – Giveaways