TREC to Host Webinar Series for Educators

Tucson Regional Educator Collaborative

A Social Emotional Learning (SEL) 4-week webinar series focused on Fostering Emotional Learning and Educator Emotional Resilience

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, TREC is redesigning the in-person Social Emotional Learning Summit (originally scheduled for June 6th) into a month-long webinar series convening each Tuesday in May, from 3:00pm – 4:30pm. The topics of the original summit: Social Emotional Learning and Educator Emotional Resilience are more important than ever as teachers adapt to the changing needs of teaching during a pandemic. Specifically, this webinar series will begin by focusing on teachers’ management of stressteachers’ well-being, and teacher self-care. The last two webinars in the May series will focus on supporting student well-being, social emotional learning, and trauma-informed classrooms.

Tucson Regional Educator Collaborative