Giving Season

It is Giving Season! 
Partners for Equitable Science Instruction (PESI) extends our sincere thanks to all the wonderful people we have met and science education opportunities that have come our way again this year. 
As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, PESI relies on your charitable contributions to help us achieve our goals.  As you prepare your list of places and organizations you will support with your charitable donations on Giving Tuesday and throughout the “Giving Season” this year, please consider an online donation to PESI.  Our goal remains the same; continue to support science education and equitable science instruction for Tucson area schools, teachers and students.
 Visit home page to donate and find out more about Partners for Equitable Science Instruction (PESI) and our mission to help support science education in Tucson!
Thank you!                                                                                                                                       
Partners for Equitable Science Instruction     
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