Arizona Science Teachers Association is pleased to provide this 1 day professional learning on two of the Science & Engineering Practices: Analyzing & Interpreting Data & Developing & Using Models on Wednesday, March 11th at CATALYST Arts & Maker Space by SAACA, 4500 N Oracle Rd #110, Tucson, AZ 85705 (Tucson Mall). Flyer attached.
Cost: $50 for ASTA members; $70 for Non-ASTA Members (both sessions) Single 3 hr Session $25 for ASTA Members; $35 for Non Members
Working with Data in Significant and Meaningful Ways (8:15-11:30)
The Arizona Science Standards require that students MUST work with data in significant and meaningful ways. Giving students sets of data is not enough. Focus must be on identifying and explaining the connections between the question or problem, the data itself, and the claim or solution that arises from the data. Come and experience the Science and Engineering Practice of Analyzing and Interpreting Data and explore how it can be implemented in your curriculum.
Developing & Using Models in Science Education (12:30-3:45)
Learn what a scientific model is and what it is not, and how one can be used to drive standards-based instruction. Developing and Using Models is a key component of the science and engineering practices from A Framework for K-12 Science Education and the new AZ Science Standards. A major instructional shift occurs when students learn how to use a variety of scientific models in their explanations and their development of scientific arguments to support a claim using evidence and reasoning. Through engaging in and processing an inquiry experience, you will focus on how to support students in developing and using scientific models throughout their learning process.