Cooper Center FUN at the Children’s Museum!
The Cooper Center is taking over the Children’s Museum Tucson!
Mark your calendars! On September 14th, Cooper Center will bring the Sonoran Desert to the museum! Kids can experience stories and activities that highlight the amazing natural world all around us. There will be live music from Mr. Nature and the Desert Music Project and local food trucks to offer a variety of food and drink options for the entire family. There will also be cocktails available for the grownups!
The event will be live-streamed to celebrate the start of the new school year and everyone who supports the Cooper Center with testimonials and fond memories from camp as we raise funds for Camp Cooper!
Cooper Center will be sharing exciting updates for the community to come together to #SupportCampCooper through their annual fundraising campaign. The goal is to raise $30,000 for the amazing educational staff and programs. Your gift is essential to their efforts. Please share their campaign with friends and family, too. Be on the lookout for campaign information on September 1st, and #GiveTheDesert with your contribution!
Cooper Center Field Trips
Registration for field trips is OPEN! Cooper Center is eager to welcome everyone out at camp this fall. To sign up for their remarkable field trips or for more information, click below.
Camp Cooper Field Trip Interest Form
Find out more about Cooper Center at
and in their Cooper Center July Newsletter
PESI General Meeting & Pot Luck Saturday, August 27, 2022
Partners for Equitable Science Instruction
August Meeting will be In Person
at the home of Marleen Lyon
on Saturday, August 27th at 11:30 am.
This is PESI’s General Meeting
and will include a Social-Potluck.
Drinks and utensils will be provided
Jim Click Millions for Tucson raffle tickets are due back.
If you still have any unsold tickets or ticket stubs and money,
please bring them to the August 27th meeting.
Please RSVP to
for the address, parking instructions,
and to let us know what potluck item you will bring.